SM Sport FULL PUR Revetement sol sport - Sols Multi Sports -

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Waterproof System ACCORDING TO STANDARD EN 14877-2013 SM Sport FULL PUR

The Choice of Olympics Games SM Sport FULL PUR
The SM Sport FULL PUR system is a set of materials based on polyurethane resin for the manufacture of elastic multilayer sports floors. It is designed for use of International Outdoor Sports facilities and is recommended for Athletics International, School or PROS competitions training for the OLYMPIC GAMES.

It can be applied on concrete or asphalt substrates.
The advantages of the SM Sport FULL PUR system are: high elasticity, superior energy impact damping, high coefficient of friction, aesthetic appearance, seamless, resistant to shoe tips.

SM Sport FULL PUR is based on a polyurethane coating that is highly resistant to changing weather conditions, including low temperatures.

This typical athletic surface consists of three layers that offer optimal properties. The first two layers are made of dual-component PUR Polyurethane tinted and mixed with 1.0-3.5mm LD LDPE aggregates. The last top layer made of PUR Polyurethane which is filled with 1.0-3.5mm EPDM. This system is the very high-end athletic track coverings in terms of performance and durability. He is IAAF CERTIFIED. Total thickness of the complete system is 14 mm.
SM Sports PUR Waterproof
 Revêtement sols Multisports
SM Sport PUR (Waterproof System) Workflow
 Revêtement sols Multisports
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